- #Mass effect andromeda download only no disc included full
- #Mass effect andromeda download only no disc included Pc
The first game is already backwards compatible, and the second and third game are in the top ten of votes to get made backwards compatible. They will likely make all three games backwards compatible on Xbox One.
#Mass effect andromeda download only no disc included full
If they would release a full package with all the DLC for the new consoles, I'd probably even be willing to pay a full $60 for it. You can buy the entire trilogy for <$30 full price, but the DLC is like over $100 and I just refuse on principle to pay that much for it (especially since I already bought most of it on 360).
#Mass effect andromeda download only no disc included Pc
I think I own all 3 games on PC already due to them being on sale at various points, but they still haven't put out a complete package with the DLC, and the DLC itself never goes on sale because it's all bought with bioware points. I've been really wanting to replay the trilogy, but I don't want to hook up my 360 again and Bioware/EA refuse to sell the DLC for reasonable prices on the PC. I would be really surprised if we aren't an N7 in this, given that we are guaranteed to be Systems Alliance and leading a team and N7 is the highest level of "leadership" training in the SA. I should have said, "I think you guys might be." since I wasn't sure about the entire thought process behind various N7/Saren statements. Which would leave players expecting ME4 to follow ME1 and drop a plot twist that changes the perspective of everything you'd seen in the last act. Saren wasn't precisely missing but the chase across the galaxy is close enough that a "rescue" manhunt, done poorly, could feel much the same. I only brought up Saren as a response to the "find the missing person" possible plot angle. So we're not, necessarily, playing as an N7. Huh? They said you're not playing the person in the trailer. You had another on your team in ME3: Vega. N7 was a Systems Alliance military designation. Saren was the latter and you were the first human to be one.