to old episodes (impiriel walker falling on its knee going AHH, the phony guy, Chris's boss as Yoda, i mean how often do you actually see Carl? 2 or 3 episodes out of almost 8 seasons? Consuela the cleaning lady, James woods, the cookie monster, giant chicken, Brians unlucky comments on afro Americans, homosexual Stevie, evil monkey ETC.) so before watching make sure to brush up on the earlier episodes. But in this you Do need to know Fam guy, as a lot of the jokes are ref. (only noticed about tree in SD, the one where Leia/Lois tells there's infinite ways to go but we have chosen to go trough the star destroyers, The no light speed all the time, and the scene at the end where Lando/Mort is wearing Han's outfit) there's a bit more, but its much more visible in BH.

The difference i think, between this and Blue harvest is that in Blue H you actually didn't need to know much about Fam Guy, just the main characters (and the star wars story off course), and it was more about pointing out the little funny flaws A new hope had.
the humor is in place and the original movie is very well parodied. Warning!! Contains Major Spoilers!!!! First if you like Family Guy and Star wars, you're gonna love this. I hope the next will be better God knows Lucas had enough bad material in Jedi for Seth and the team to work with, without resorting to mindless and out of place jokes to get laughs. You get lames jokes like a guy on Hoth trying to give out bags of ice, or Peter inexplicably punching out Lois when she calls him a nerf-herder, claiming "that's our word." In short, this episode goes for shock effect to get it's gags - either from random violence and swearing to just out of place jokes - instead of good old satire like Blue Harvest did. The jokes are weirdly out of place, many just aren't funny at all, and they lack to satirical quality the jokes in Blue Harvest had. Instead, you get what feels like The Empire Strikes Back done with Family Guy characters, with minimal changes to dialogue. The jokes were funny, because they lovingly picked on the original story. The gags in Blue Harvest were funny and relevant, from Stewie's questioning about the meter-wide exhaust port being a big flaw to Herbert's portrayal of Obi-Wan. The first Star Wars Family Guy episode was for dedicated Star Wars geeks who enjoyed pointing out inconsistencies or flaws in Lucas' film.

Unfortunately, the seem to have lost sight of what they were doing and ended up with a product that felt rushed, and wasn't funny at all. I had very high hopes for this episode, given the wonderful job Seth and the team did with Blue Harvest.